Sunday, 24 July 2016

Wakatobi ready to welcome Sail Indonesia 2016 participants

The government and the community in the district of Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi, have been ready to welcome the arrival of yachts participating in the Sail Indonesia 2016 early in August

"The government of Wakatobi has made a marina ready to serve luxurious boats participating in the Sail Infonesia 2016," the district administration spokesman, said here on Sunday.

The government has finished the development of the marina on about 300 hectares of land which is able to receive more than 500 boats.

Before its development it used to be able to accommodate only 50 boats. Its development is expected to give more contribution to the regional governments income, the spokesman said adding every boat mooring at the marina would have to pay US$50 per day.

"So far the lack of the marina facility has been one of the factors distracting would be visitors to Wakatobi by boat," he said.

So far yachts only come to Wakatobi during Sail Indonesia from August to October and so with the availability of the new marina yacht tourists can now come there at any time, the official said.(Antara)



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